Thomas Armstrong (Concrete Blocks) Ltd

Find a Block Paving Stockist Near You (The Lakeland Range)

We work very closely with our suppliers across the UK to ensure we provide our customer easy access to our products.

Use the map below to find your nearest stockist who supplies our Lakeland block paving range. Simply click on the relevant coloured dot on the map to find the suppliers contact details who stock our Lakeland Range. The Armstrong Range is currently not available, please contact us  for more information.
Block Paving Stockists

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions we receive from our customers are quite common. So in order to save you time and help you with any questions you may have about our products, we have composed a list of FAQs to help inform you best about our products and services.

Where can I buy your Block Paving products?

Our block paving products are stocked by a variety of Builders Merchants throughout the UK. View the map at the top of this page or contact us for further information.

There are no stockists within 30 miles. What can I do?

If you don't have a local stockist we will supply you directly. Though our range is being sold by a increasing amount of Builders Merchants, we appreciate that some buyers may have problems visiting a supplier. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

We are concerned about Colour and Texture Variations. Do you have any advice?

Concrete Block Paving is made from natural materials and variances can occur in colour. The amount a product is rumbled may also vary from batch to batch and product to product. It is recommended that when blocks are laid they are taken from at least 3 packs to minimise any patching that may result from slight variances in colour in individual packs.

We would like a specific colour for our driveway. Can you help?

If you require a particular product but the desired colour is not listed for that product, we can manufacture any of our products in any of our colour range,as long as a reasonable quantity is required. To discuss personal requirements and specifications, please contact us for more information.

Are your products easy to maintain?

Block paving is relatively maintenance free. Although you should inspect the paved area for loose pavers and to ensure that the jointing sand is intact.

If there are loose pavers, these should be reset but only after ensuring that there is no underlying reason for the looseness, which may require the area to be relaid.

If there has been loss of jointing sand then more sand can be brushed in; but only after checking for the reason of the loss of sand. If the loss of jointing sand is due to movement/settlement then the paving will require relaying.

Read more in our technical guidance for more advice.

Should I seal the paving when it has been laid?

The decision to seal or not to seal is a matter of personal preference. There are a number of proprietary block sealing products available on the market.

Most sealants contain fungicides which restrict the development of vegetation, protect the pavers against oil and other stains, and may act as a colour enhancer. It is important to get the right sealer for what is required - the top quality sealers are longer lasting whilst being more expensive.

We have seen that some drives have a dusty or milky appearance. How can I avoid this?

The process of producing Rumbled products may result in them being covered in a light dust. The dust will naturally wear off, alternatively pressure washing them will have an instant effect. This should be done prior to filling the joints with dry sand.

In common with other concrete products with a high cement content, pavers may exhibit the temporary surface phenomenon of efflorescence. This may appear as a milky white stain on the face of the product or the appearance of the paver is that the colour has faded. This is no way detrimental to the performance of the product and responsibility cannot be accepted for its occurrence. Efflorescence will wear off naturally; or to accelerate the process can be cleaned off with a proprietary brick cleaner.

How do I clean concrete paving? What about stains?

There are a number of proprietary brick cleaners available on the market. The manufacturer’s instructions should always be followed. In particular, the product should be tested on a unobtrusive area of paving to ensure that it does not affect the paver detrimentally.

Regular brushing with a stiff brush is the best way to keep your paving clean. Treatment with a weedkiller annually will minimise vegetation growths during the year.

Oil Stains - If there is an oil patch on the paved area, then the excess oil should be lifted off using an absorbent powder - it should not be rubbed in. The resulting oil stain can then be cleaned using an emulsifier to lift out the oil from the paver. Finally, the area should be washed with a detergent solution and then rinsed thoroughly.

Chewing Gum - To remove, first use a freezing agent on the offending gum, and then scrape it off.

Rust Stains - Try and avoid rust stains as these are iron oxide which is in fact what the colour used in the block paving is made out of. Therefore, any cleaning products used to remove the rust may also affect the colour of the pavers. It is recommended that the area affected be scrubbed with a hard or wire brush to remove the worst of the stains.


General Enquiries

At Thomas Armstrong (Concrete Blocks) Ltd we pride ourselves on our high level of customer service across the company. Our friendly staff will be more than happy to help answer any questions you have relating to sales and our products as well as any technical advice you have. Please contact our local office (see offices) near you today!

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