Thomas Armstrong (Concrete Blocks) Ltd


Concrete block walls provide a reliable, durable and proven background for fixing into. It is important to select the right fixing for the background being fixed into as well as taking account of the load being applied to the fixing. This section aims to give some basic guidance on the selection of fixings for our range of blocks for most common, everyday circumstances for residential and commercial buildings.

This is by no means a definitive or exhaustive set of guidelines and there are many other fixings manufacturers available than those mentioned here whose products will be equally as suitable and perform just as well. For very specialist applications, expert advice may be required from the fixings manufacturer's engineering team which we will be able to organise if necessary.

Fixings can be used on all our products wherever they be solid, cellular or hollow. However, consideration should be given to the use of solid blocks wherever heavy-duty fixings are required.

Ultralite, Insulite and Dense blocks have good pull-out strength and provide good grip using common expanding wall plugs. For Airtec blocks, fixings designed especially for use with aerated concrete blocks should always be used.

Block types vs application and suitable fixings from Fischer and Hilti

The following table shows a selection of block types vs application and suitable fixings from Fischer and Hilti. There are other fixing manufacturers available whose equivalent products would be suitable. Please contact our Technical Department for information.

General Good Practice Points for Fixings

  • For heavy duty applications involving potential loading and vibration cycles, substitute any hollow blocks for solid blocks in the specific areas prone to high stresses.

  • Avoid placing the fixing within 50mm of the edge or top of the wall wherever possible.

  • Avoid fixing into mortar joints. If using chemical resin anchors, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • For Airtec aerated blocks, drill holes using HSS drill bits on a steady constant speed without hammer-action. Masonry drill bits are not recommended for Airtec blocks.

Type of Applications - Light Medium and Heavy Duty

Light-Duty Fixings:

Standard plastic plugs and screws are perfectly acceptable for most light duty applications such as fixing shelves and standard wall units. For Airtec blocks non-expandable fixings designed especially for aerated concrete blocks must be used.

Medium-Duty Fixings:

Plastic plug and screws are perfectly acceptable for most medium-duty applications such as fixing kitchen units, frame fixing and external fixings. For Airtec blocks fixings designed especially for aerated concrete blocks must be used.

Heavy Duty Fixings:

Wherever heavy-duty fixings are required, solid Dense concrete blocks should be considered where possible. However, resin anchor systems will satisfy heavy-duty requirements for all our block types and provide excellent, irreversible anchorage. Expanding anchors are not recommended for heavy-duty applications.

Airtec Aerated Concrete Blocks

Due to the cellular structure of Airtec aerated blocks, fixings specifically designed for use with aerated concrete blocks should always be used. Standard expandable wall plugs are not suitable for use with Airtec blocks.


General Enquiries

At Thomas Armstrong (Concrete Blocks) Ltd we pride ourselves on our high level of customer service across the company. Our friendly staff will be more than happy to help answer any questions you have relating to sales and our products as well as any technical advice you have. Please contact our local office (see offices) near you today!

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